Call for Papers (Tentative)

IEEE Computational Intelligence in Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) 2026

Sep. 10-11, 2026 @ Tokyo, Japan

In recent years, the popularity of generative AI, including ChatGPT, has had a huge impact on machine learning and the fields that use it. The field most affected is undoubtedly natural language processing, but the ripple effect is spreading to other fields that deal with data. For example, in robot control research, generative AI is used to generate commands for robots. Generative AI is also becoming a presence that cannot be ignored in the fields of finance and economics. In particular, in recent years, there has been an increase in economic analysis research targeting text, and language models such as BERT have begun to be used in these studies. Given this, it is only a matter of time before generative AI is used as the next trend.

CIFEr is an international conference that has long focused on the application of information technology to finance and economics. Given this technological trend, we expect a large number of research papers on the application of these new technologies to finance to be presented at CIFEr. In addition, there are an increasing number of cases where alternative data, data that have not been used before, are applied to financial economics, and new technologies are required to process these data.

We expect the papers presented at the conference to include research on the use of data that has yet to be used before, as well as research on the application of new computer intelligence technologies, including generative AI, to the fields of finance and economics. In addition, there is a growing body of research that combines generative AI with long-standing technologies, such as multi-agent combinations, and we look forward to this type of challenging research.

Topics of Interest
  1. Computational Intelligence Areas, Models, and Applications:
    • Machine Learning in Finance
    • Large Language Model
    • Big Data Finance and Economics
    • Neural Networks
    • Deep Learning Models in Finance
    • Data Mining
    • Text Mining
    • Probabilistic Modeling/Inference
    • Fuzzy Sets, Rough Sets, & Granular Computing
    • Intelligent Trading Agents
    • Trading Room Simulation
    • Time Series Analysis
    • Non-linear Dynamics
    • Financial Analytics
    • Financial Data Mining
    • Evolutionary Computation
    • Digital Financial Reporting
    • Semantic Web and Linked Data
    • Multi-objective Optimisation
    • Agent Based Modelling and Simulation
    • Co-evolutionary Techniques
    • Artificial Life
    • Evolutionary Game Theory
    • Particle Swarm Optimisation
    • Cognitive Systems
    • Recommendation
    • Modelling and Problem Representations
    • Operators
  2. Application Areas: Finance:
    • Asset allocation strategies
    • Trading systems
    • Algorithmic trading
    • Trade execution systems
    • Risk management
    • Pricing of structured securities
    • Behavioural finance
    • Evolutionary finance
    • Portfolio optimisation
    • Arbitrage
    • Exotic options
    • Cryptocurrencies
    • Blockchain and applications
    • Front and back office operations
    • Financial prediction and forecasting
  3. Application Areas: Economics:
    • Agent based computational economics
    • Market modelling
    • Energy and electricity markets
    • Blockchain economics
  4. Application Areas: Business:
    • Business analytics
    • Recommender systems
    • E-commerce
    • Advertising and marketing
    • Crowds and market models
    • Demand forecasting
    • Distribution and supply chain
Paper Formatting and Submission Instruction

To help ensure correct formatting, please use the IEEE style files for conference proceedings as a template for your submission. These include LaTeX and Word-style files. The MS Word and LaTeX instructions and templates can be found on the IEEE website. Only papers in PDF format will be accepted. The papers are limited to a maximum of 8 pages (IEEE style double column), including figures, tables, and references. A maximum of two extra pages per paper is allowed (i.e., up to 10 pages) at an additional charge of USD 100 per extra page. No page numbers please. We will insert the page numbers for you.

Please note that our conference is using the blind review process. Therefore, please do not include any information that can identify the authors in the initial submission.

Violations of any of the above specifications may result in rejection of your paper.

Paper submission link: EasyChair website (TBD)

Important Dates

See the important dates page for the latest information.

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Important Dates (AoE)
  • Paper Submission: May 15, 2026 (TBD)
  • Notification: July 15, 2026 (TBD)
  • Camera Ready: August 14, 2026
  • Early Registration: August 1, 2026
  • Conference: September 10-11, 2026